Violet is finally here! And she is awesome.
It was about 2:30 when we got the call that she was a few minutes away. Our room in our hotel has a great view of the front street, so naturally, Nicole and I were glued with our faces pressed against the glass hoping we’d get a glimpse of her coming out of the car with her nannies. About 3:00 is when the doorbell rang.
She took to Nicole right away. I got to hold her a bit while her nannies were here, but once they left, she only wanted Nicole. She still lets me play with her and she’ll allow me to feed her along with Nicole, which is such an answer to prayer. She is attached to this little pink towel and gets upset if Nicole leaves her sight in the room for too long.
Her personality is so much more than we hoped for. She’ll mimic us and giggle, and point to trees and scooters as we walk outside. In fact, she loves leaves so much that they nicknamed her the Chinese word for “leaf” at her orphanage.
We are head over heels. Like any new baby, Nicole and I are finding ourselves just staring at her – enamored that she is finally here.
Her dexterity and cognitive skills are excellent too. She picks up little puffs, puts them in her mouth, sorts them into cups, and then dumps them everywhere for a laugh. She can also walk now – which we are thankful for.
Violet was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Her eyes are captivating, her smile is contagious, and she’s got these amazingly long eyelashes. She is one beautiful girl.
Tonight was special as she fell asleep in Nicole’s arms and is now sleeping comfortably in her crib. We couldn’t have asked for a better Gotcha Day. All praise, honor, and glory to God!
Enjoy some pictures below:
Rejoicing with you and praising God for this precious gift from the Lord. So glad it was such an awesome “gotcha”
Day! Love to you all and continued prayers! ❤️
Miss Violet, Welcome to you forever family! We can’t wait to meet you!
First if all… love her name
Secondly, you have chosen a wonderful life and home for her to grow up in and to share with her two siblings. You are most grateful and we are thinking and praying your love will get you three home safely and her new forever home will be everything she deserves.
All our best back in CT
Ohhh myyyyy what a beautiful little girl, so trilled and happy for you Karl, Nicole, Brody and Joia!!!!!!
Please let Violet know that Papa Phil and G-Moe are so excited to meet and hold this little precious girl..
Safe travels, enjoy the country and safe back to the States.
Love Papa Phil!!!
What a precious girl! She is a doll baby. We are so thankful your first night together went so smoothly. Enjoy this time! Xoxo, Sam & Laura
Congratulations, you guys! She is beautiful. Can’t wait to meet her!
I LOVE the pictures! She is adorable. So glad everything is going smoothly, love you all!
She is precious, praise the Lord for such a wonderful day! Rejoicing with you all!
She is adorable. Celebrating with you from afar.
Yay!! Congratulations!!! I’m so happy and exciting for everyone!!
Nicole and Karl, We are thrilled for you! Sweet Violet, we see the sparkle in your eyes! Can’t wait to give you a hug! We love you! Your big brother and big sister are excited to meet you!
Oh my goodness, my heart just explodes seeing these pictures of this beautiful little girl! I am so glad the first day and night went so well. What a blessing this all is for everyone!! Love you all and praying for a great rest of your trip!
What a wonderful little girl! Congratulations on Gotcha day… prayers for safe travels home and smooth transitions into being a family of FIVE! ?
Beautiful little girl. What a blessing!! God is great!
Oh my guys, your story and getting violet is making me currently cry! What an amazing blessing and can’t wait to hear more!!
Welcome to our wonderful family Ms. Violet!